Also I need to appreciate the moments that I find to write. Sometimes I find myself getting frustrated with the time I do not get to write my book or other writing. But how lucky am I to finally have any time to enjoy this pursuit that I love. It has taken me quite a few years to get back to this thing I love to do and I need to appreciate the time I have to do it - no matter the interruptions or length of minutes I can sneak in at one sitting. My family was thoughtful enough to provide me with a brand new, very comfortable chair to use at our desk and after our Holiday trip I can't wait to get home and use it!
I also want to appreciate the time I have with my husband, daughter, and extended family. So many times I have said that I wish I could stop time and enjoy the moment longer. But that is not possible, the one thing you can count on is the evitable movement of time. I want to appreciate all the moments that I have during my life - the good, the bad and the ugly. Unfortunately we lost too many wonderful people in our family this year, 2015. One of these people was one that I wanted to write a book with of the enduring story of my husband's amazing father and his 11 siblings. Six of the brothers were in World War II and some went on to serve our nation in other wars. My fingers are itching to tell that story but as time marches by the stories are harder to find.
I also plan to stop being frustrated over what I can not change and appreciate what I can change. I will probably never get back the body I had at 22, but I want to appreciate the one I have now. I plan to appreciate the health I have and treat it with dignity, so hopefully it will continue to treat me well also.
I also want to appreciate my food in moderation but not cheat myself from enjoying treats as they
are presented to me without guilt. No easy feat.
Appreciate - something that I plan to learn how to do better in 2016. That old saying about
slow down and appreciate the little things in life is just what I plan to do. Please share with me
the words you choose for your One-Word Resolution! Hope you can appreciate your wonderful families, good health, and each and every moment of your lives. --Patty
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