Sarah Addison Allen usually sets her books in North Carolina, however Lost Lake is set in Georgia. This was shaping up to not be my favorite book of hers, but I hung in there because I love her writing. Good decision since I ended up loving this book. It opens with Eby and George on their honeymoon. While in Europe Eby saves the life of Lisette. This deaf, young girl follows them back to America and ends up spending her life working along side them at Lost Lake.
Kate decides impulsively to find Lost Lake with her daughter, Devin, instead of moving in with her mother-in-law Cricket. After Kate finds Lost Lake and her aunt, Eby, the book changes for me. Even though it took a while for me to get into this book, once I did it really took off!
When Kate and her daughter, Devin, arrive at Lost Lake, they both discover their childhood and family. Eby is in trouble and has decided to sell the property. Eby's friend, Lisette is in denial that Eby will leave Lost Lake and refuses to discuss her own future plans. Even though Eby has decided to sell, no one including Eby, is happy about the decision. Lost Lake has fallen into disrepair and needs more help and money than Eby has.
There is so much going on in this book that you forget sometimes about the magic involved but it's there. I adore the love story of George and Eby. As all these characters and the town meet for a farewell celebration, things really start happening. There is a lot going on so don't miss it!
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