Thursday, November 7, 2013

Patty Pick for 11/7/13 - "The Longest Ride" by Nicholas Sparks

What a good book! I was not sure how the dual story lines were going to come together, but they did for an explosive and surprising ending. I really like a good ending and if a book does not have one, it can ruin the whole book for me. I don't always want a fairy tale ending but one that seems to be fair to the characters. 

I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the characters in this novel and follow their lives past and present. The separate love stories, one at the end of its life and one just beginning, kept the book interesting until the end. 

Ira and Ruth were closet art collectors who quietly developed a one-of-a-kind collection beginning on their honeymoon. Their lives touched many people, as do a lot of folks, but we do not always get the benefit of knowing. Ruth was a teacher and went over and beyond to reach her students. Good teachers do not always get the recognition and thanks they deserve. 

Sophia and Luke are young but mature for their ages due to their backgrounds and family responsibilities they have. As their lives intersect, love blossoms between them even though they have very different lives and plans. 

You need to read this book and find out how all their lives interact and provide stunning and surprising results. 

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