My mother was quiet and loud at the same time. She was always ready to play
games with us so we grew up knowing most every board game invented. She also taught us
many card games which I passed on to my family. When my sister and I grew older and would beg off of playing games with her, she would play them with herself.
She did make me work in our garden and eat my liver at dinner- yuck! But now I realize she was helping me grow up strong and learn the value of hard work. She was the consumate gardener. She had two very green thumbs which she did not pass along to me. Unfortunately I can kill a plant in record time. Plants realize this and they tremble when they enter our home.
I wish I had more pictures of my mom, but the ones I do have show her laughing and joking. The ones with a serious face are rare. She is famous in our family for sticking her tongue out at the camera at the most inopportune moments. There are many such photos of our smiling family and there is mom making her funny faces. She did not like to have her picture taken any more than I do to this day.
My mom was not a perfect person, but she was the perfect mom for our family. She held us together, feed us, taught us her life lessons, had fun with us and loved us to no end. I did not realize until after she was gone that she held our family together much more than we all knew. And she taught me what it means to be a mom - the joy, the fleeting timeline, the agony, but above all, the all-consuming love you have for your child(ren).
My mom will be missed by us for the rest of our lives. She did not get to see her only son marry and have children. She did hold some of her other grandchildren and watched them grow up. She will not be there in person when my daughter marries and has her own children, but somehow I know she will be close. She is always close to me, just not close enough to save those poor plants I keep buying.
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