This book had me so hard and fast that I could hardly put it down. I was so invested in the life of Shandi and Natty. The southern humor that author, Joshilyn Jackson, brings to her books reminds me of my own family and growing up in the South. I can not always relate to her characters circumstances but I understand their feelings. She always bring that sense of home and family to her books. The places sound like somewhere I have lived or seen.
You are pulling for Shandi and Natty from the opening page - who doesn't love a virgin mother. The use of intelligence, faith, and destiny are all interwoven to make for a thoroughly enjoyable book that must be finished as soon as you start the first chapter.
The people - not characters, really- are human and feel like someone you should know, a cousin or sister. Walcott with his earnest friendship is one of my favorites. Where was he when I was in college? Paula with her strong self that conquers all but remains vulnerable to her two best friends. You want William to protect you and Bridget to pray for you. They mix up with robbers and bullets and VW beetles to win your heart over! I usually love Joshilyn Jackson's novels and this is one I will remember for a while!
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