We, Americans, are a hardy breed. We have survived countless wars and tragedies during the years as America grew into a country and aged into the nation we have now. Through it all we would come together to fight sometimes even each other, but always to mend ourselves back into a united group for the good of all. The one thing that we all have in common is our love for this country we call home. Let's hope that we never forget the citizens that have fought for this right and the struggles our country has endured to find it's way to becoming the greatest country in the world. Why do countless people around the globe try their best to find their way to our shores and become part of the American dream?
So enjoy these fiction and nonfiction choices if you like. That is our God-given right, that we have fought for over countless generations, choice. And please Vote for the candidate(s) of your choice, be part of the solution. Our country is an amazing place and my hope is that we all remember that going forward.
There are many good political books and fiction books following political story lines, so I have chosen some of my favorites and some on my to-read list to share with you all. Hope you find some of your new favorites on the list.
1) Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin
2) Primary Colors by Anonymous
3) The Lucky Ones by Doris Mortman
4) All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren
5) The Run by Stuart Woods
6) Hartsburg, USA by David Mizner
7) Game Change by John Heileman & Mark Halperin
8) Middlemarch by George Eliot
9) The Race by Richard North Patterson
10) The Last Election by Gary H. Collins
11) Transfer of Power by Vince Flynn
12) Almost anything by Brad Thorr & Tom Clancy